AI Transforms Wholesale Shoe Distribution

The client is a wholesale shoe distributor that serves many different clients of the shoe industry. The company has established a good reputation for providing exceptional customer service and high-quality products at competitive prices. The company has a presence in multiple countries in South America.

The Challenge

The company was facing operational challenges, particularly in order processing and inventory management. They did not use advanced tools or platforms for order processing and inventory management. There were many inefficiencies, errors, and long turnaround times for customers because they were using outdated and manual systems. Due to a lack of real-time visibility into inventory levels, shortages and over stockings often occurred in the company.

Multiple costs soared as a result of these issues, which stunted their growth and profitability. They were also witnessing obsolete Inventory from time to time which was causing them losses.

They tried multiple software, but they were unable to resolve the issues. Despite their desire to expand their business, they were unable to do so due to issues they were facing. 


Genesis NGN conducted a comprehensive analysis of the company’s processes, systems, and technology in order to address the challenges the company was facing. The team discovered that the company was relying heavily on manual processes and spreadsheets, which were prone to errors and inefficiencies. The software they were using was not tailored according to their requirements, which was another source of problems. Furthermore, there was a lack of integration between different systems, which led to duplication of efforts and a fragmented view of the company’s operations.


Based on the findings, we developed a custom digital solution which was powered by AI technology to streamline the company’s operations and improve efficiency. This platform streamlined the processes by integrating order processing, inventory management, and shipping into a single unified platform, making their different operations more efficient and effective. The platform was tailored specifically to the company’s unique needs and requirements. 

The platform’s advanced analytics and AI-powered forecasting enabled the company to make informed decisions and remain competitive by accurately predicting order and demand patterns.

The AI-powered platform provides real-time visibility into the company’s inventory levels and order status, empowering its teams with the information they need to make data-driven decisions and minimize stock shortages and overstocking issues. Additionally, the platform automates many manual processes, reducing the risk of errors while improving the speed and accuracy of order processing.

With its easy-to-use interface, scalable architecture, and flexible design, this digital solution has transformed the company’s operations and helped them achieve higher levels of efficiency, productivity, and profitability.


  1. Real-time inventory tracking and optimized order management for improved supply chain visibility
  2. Reduction of stockouts and faster delivery times to meet customer demands
  3. Automation of manual processes leading to increased accuracy and efficiency
  4. Accurate demand predictions using AI technology for informed inventory purchasing decisions
  5. Reduction of losses and obsolete inventory through better inventory management
  6. Increased productivity and operational efficiency
  7. Expansion into new markets for business growth
  8. Significant cost savings through reduced operational costs